Sustainable Use of Natural Resources from a Planetary Health Perspective

Planetary health – ever heard of it? And what does it have to do with the natural resources? If these concepts are new to you, you’re in the right place. This emerging field is more relevant than......

RESPRO Project: Shaping the Future of Responsible Leadership

Responsible leadership is an important component in all areas of work. It comprises of ethical and strategic perspectives on leadership, and feeds into, among other things, enhanced well-being at......

Family poverty and its link to child nutrition and possible overweight

Early infancy and childhood are critical periods in the shaping of lifetime weight development. There is a critical period in the development of children under two years of age when the risk of......

The impact of food poverty on childhood overweight

Childhood and adolescent obesity is a growing public health problem with significant implications for child and adolescent well-being both nationally and internationally. One contributing factor that......

Osaamisen jakamista ja inspiroivia ideoita train-the-trainer-koulutusmallilla

Traumainformoitu työote -projektissa moniammatillinen työryhmä kehittää koulutuskokonaisuuden traumainformoidusta työotteesta. Päätavoitteena on sosiaali- ja terveysalan palveluiden ja......

Treatment of obesity in children and adolescents

The treatment of obesity in children and adolescents is based on lifestyle changes. Nutrition, physical activity and screen time are the three biggest factors that influence a child's weight......

What physical health problems obesity can cause for children and adolescents?

In 2022, there were 390 million overweight children and adolescents aged 5–19 worldwide. Obesity can cause various physical health problems, e.g. cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic......

Etiikkaa on joka puolella – EthCo-hanke vahvistaa terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten eettistä osaamista

Eettiset haasteet terveydenhuollossa rasittavat työyhteisöä ja heikentävät työhön sitoutumista. Tämä vaikuttaa työntekijöiden työhyvinvointiin ja tapaan hoitaa potilaita. (Tulevaisuuden)......